Tuesday, August 27, 2019

TRS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

TRS - Essay Example The story of Jonah is prophetic, the book of Jonah by itself is prophetic. Jonah was rescued from the belly of a large fish where he had stayed for three days until the fish spew him out. The New Testament illustrates the story of Jonah as symbolic to the death and resurrection of Christ. The sign was elaborated by Jesus in Matthew 12. As the greatest sign the world is given. The story of Jonah is therefore a testimony to the death and rising of Christ from the dead and that He conquered the grave and came out alive, the hope for which the early Christians lived for. The promise of God to Abraham was made to bless all the nations of the earth through the Seed of Abraham. Gal 3:15 indicates that the Seed was one and not many and that the Seed is the Son of God through who all nations will be saved from sin and reconciled to God by His death and resurrection. The Seed of Abraham was therefore a Chosen One and a Christ. The New Testament points out as well that the Christ was a son of Abraham. Gal 3:29 â€Å"if you belong to Christ, then you are Abrahams seed The gospels of Matthew and Luke begin the story of Jesus from His birth. The book of Matthew provides with the lineage of Jesus from the time of creation down to His birth as was among the Jewish people. Luke however begins his account with the events surrounding the birth of Jesus from the prophecy of John’s birth to Zechariah. The book of Mark accounts from the coming of John the Baptist. The three synoptic gospels are characterized by parables and speeches of Jesus along with the miracles and exorcism. The book of John on the other hand reflects discussions and reasoning where John himself imparts what he learnt to his audience. The book begins with the logos of the Word before creation and is characterized by involvement of the Holy Spirit directly (Kruse, 2004). Mathematical truth accounts for events using scientific evidence and experimental

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